Analisis Pengaruh Pergeseran Runway Holding Position terhadap Runway Occupancy Time dan Runway Capacity (Studi Kasus: Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda)

cahyaning setyarini(1*), Ervina Ahyudanari(2)

(1) Airport Authority Region III Surabaya
(2) Departement Teknik Sipil, FTSLK
(*) Corresponding Author


The number of passengers, cargo and aircraft movements at Juanda International Airport has increased over the past 5 years with the average of passenger growth 7.7% per year, 2.3% of cargo and 6.3% per year for aircraft movements. With this increase the airport operator is required to increase the capacity of the airport from both side of landside and air side. Capacity is an important parameter of an airport's performance. Juanda International Airport has single runway with a capacity of 33 aircraft/hour (Airnav Indonesia, 2015). The defect of taxiway surface prompted the airport management to displace the runway holding position on the taxiway N1 to the taxiway NP2 with the distance of 275 m from threshold runway 10. This study aims to determine the effect of that displacement to runway occupancy time and runway capacity by using DORATASK Method. The result of study shows that the displacement of runway holding position has effected runway occupancy time. Mean Runway Occupancy Time (MROT) is obtained 105,35 second for runway 10 and 96,65 second for runway 28. From the calcuation obtained that Declared Runway Capacity (DCR) is 30 movement/hour, that is decreasing 3 movement/hour after the displacement.

Bandara Internasional Juanda telah mengalami peningkatan jumlah  penumpang,  barang  dan  pergerakan  pesawat selama 5 tahun terakhir dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan untuk penumpang 7,7% per tahun, kargo 2,3% per tahun dan pergerakan pesawat 6,3% per tahun. Dengan adanya peningkatan ini pihak pengelola bandara dituntut untuk mengoptimalkan kapasitas bandara baik dari sisi darat maupun sisi udara. Bandara Juanda memiliki satu runway dengan kapasitas 33 pesawat/jam (Airnav Indonesia, 2015). Kondisi permukaan taxiway N1 yang mengalami kerusakan mendorong pihak pengelola bandara untuk mereposisi runway holding position di taxiway N1 ke taxiway NP2 sejauh 275 m dari threshold runway 10. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari pergeseran tersebut terhadap runway occupancy time dan runway capacity dengan menggunakan Metode DORATASK. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pergeseran runway holding position mempengaruhi nilai runway occupancy time. Mean Runway Occupancy Time (MROT) runway 10 didapat 105,35 detik dan 96,65 detik untuk runway 28. Berdasarkan perhitungan diperoleh Declared Runway Capacity (DCR) adalah 30 pergerakan/jam, yang menunjukkan penurunan runway capacity sebesar 3 pergerakan/jam akibat adanya pergeseran runway holding position.


kapasitas runway; pergeseran runway holding position; runway occupancy time; sisi udara

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