Kinerja Pelayanan Angkasa Pura Logistik di Bandar Udara Inernasional Sultan Hasanuddin-Makassar
(1) Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Transportasi Udara
(*) Corresponding Author
Service is a performance appearance, intangible and quickly disappear, more can be felt rather than owned, and customers can participate more actively in the process consume services. Performance of services on the airport-Makassar Sultan Hasanuddin can be measured by several indicators to determine the satisfaction perceived by the customer. To find such satisfaction in using the approach by analyzing use of Importance Analysis (IPA), the analysis of interest (Importance Analysis) and satisfaction analysis (Performance Analysis), each using 5 Likert scale. Based on the analysis of the obtained values of customer satisfaction (Customer Satisfaction Index) of 85, 67% which means the performance of the service is very good (very good)
Pelayanan merupakan suatu kinerja penampilan, tidak berwujud dan cepat hilang, lebih dapat dirasakan daripada dimiliki, serta pelanggan lebih dapat berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses mengkonsumsi jasa tersebut. Kinerja pelayanan di Bandar Udara Sultan Hasanuddin-Makassar dapat diukur dengan beberapa indikator untuk mengetahui kepuasan yang dirasakan oleh para pelanggan. Untuk mengetahui kepuasan tersebut di gunakan pendekatan melalui analisis menggunakan Importance Analysis (IPA), analisis kepentingan (Importance Analysis) dan analisis kepuasan (Performance Analysis), masing-masing menggunakan 5 skala likert. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut diperoleh nilai kepuasan pelanggan (Customer Satisfaction Index) sebesar 85, 67% yang berarti kinerja pelayanannya sangat baik (very good).
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